Thursday, September 20, 2012

Personal Quote

"Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy now, doesn't mean you aren't headed for sunshine." ~Unknown

This quote is one of those quotes I can read on a bad day and it still brings a smile to my face. I am absolutely in love with sunshine and yellow, so this quote is not only an encourage "feel good" quote but it involves my favorite thing, which is why I really love this quote.I chose to form the quote in a circle, because it is all  rounded and involves no edges. Edges are blunt, while rounded edges form a more peaceful shape. I also chose to make the quote look like a sunshine, to emphasize the meaning of the quote. The backround is yellow, because yellow is an encouraging and happy color. "stormy now" is a blue/grey because it is supposed to resemble the bad times you're going through. I emphasized "Path", "Destination", "stormy now", an "sunshine" because they are each important to this quote.

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